Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Si yo fuera un hombre rico... compraría estas monadas que he encontrado hoy por internet. Por el contrario me he tenido que conformar con ir al Alcampo y soñar con que producto endemoniadamente barato iba a conseguir cambiar mi vida. Gracias a dios ese producto ha llegado en forma de carpeta de fundas de plastico en el casi extinto tamaño folio. Y así, he hecho de este pseudo-domingo (porque hoy no he tenido clase) un día especial.

...I would buy all this really cute stuff that I've found today on the internet. Instead I've had to resign myself with going to "Alcampo" and dream with which ridiculously cheap product would I change my mind. Thank god, that product arrived in the shape of a plastic folder in the nearly extinct spanish "folio" size. And so I've made this pseudo-sunday( because I haven`t had school today) a special day.

Las imagenes os linkan a la web pero para mas info:

The images link you to the web but for more info:

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